Dr. Bahareh Kamranzad
PhD, Civil-Water/Coastal Engineering
Assistant Professor
The Hakubi Center for Advanced Research
Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability
Department of Physics
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Imperial College London
United Kingdom
Bahareh Kamranzad
Assistant Professor
The Hakubi Center for Advanced Research, Kyoto University
Activity Database on Education and Research LINK
Email: kamranzad.bahareh.3m (at) kyoto-u.ac.jp

Bahareh Kamranzad
Assistant Professor
The Hakubi Center for Advanced Research, Kyoto University
Activity Database on Education and Research LINK
Email: kamranzad.bahareh.3m (at) kyoto-u.ac.jp

- Research topic "Advances in Sea State Modeling and Climate Change Impacts" went online in Frontiers in Marine Science!
- Research topic "Advances in Sea State Modeling and Climate Change Impacts" went online in Frontiers in Marine Science!
Coastal Engineering & Ocean Climate (CEOC)
CEOC is a research group based in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK.
Nov 2024: Adwaith Kalathingal successfully submitted MSc dissertation.
30 Oct: Bahareh Kamranzad visited Graduate School of Frontier Sciences at the University of Tokyo, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), and the Hakubi Center for Advanced Research at Kyoto University.
1 Oct 2024:John-Luke McWhirter has joined CEOC as a PhD student, where he will focus on the research project, "Hybrid Ocean Renewables in a Changing Climate."
9 Aug 2024: Elaine Bramwell, Tariq George King, and John-Luke McWhirter successfully submitted their MSc dissertation.
10 June 2024: Théophile Avenel (Polytech Nantes and Orange) joined CEOC for two months as a visiting researcher.
3 June 2024: Faye Van West was awarded the Scottish Hydraulics Study Group Prize for the Best Final Year Project in Civil Engineering. Her topic was "Analysing the Impact of Climate Change on UK Coastal Ocean Parameters".
20-23 May 2024: Dr M Reza Hashemi (Associate Professor, University of Rhode Island) visited our group at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and gave a seminar as invited guest speaker.
15-16 May 2024: Members attended All-Energy and Dcarbonise 2024 event in SEC, Glasgow. https://www.all-energy.co.uk/
7 May 2024: Bahareh Kamranzad particiapted as a speaker at the "From the coast to the ocean depths: Co-developing innovative solutions for sustainable development" event, hosted by One Ocean Hub. More details and registration: https://www.engage.strath.ac.uk/event/1083
1 May 2024: John McWhirter and Owen Fitzpatrick presented their posters for CL973 and submitted their reports on 29 April 2024.
26 March 2024: Adam Akram and Faye Van West presented their posters for CL448 and submitted their dissertations on 15 April 2024.